Thursday, April 27, 2006

from Group A: 4/28

Different passwords for qzlb or absent
1-3 arai (dif)
1-4 inoue (dif)
1-10 kiyataka (dif, ab)
1-20 taniguchi (dif, ab)

2-1 aoki (dif)
2-5 inui (dif, ab)
2-6 inoue (dif)
2-13 kawamoto (dif)
2-14 kida (dif, ab)
2-16 kusakabe (dif)

3-4 itami (dif, ab)
3-6 imanaka (dif, ab)
3-8 baseball (dif)
3-13 kadota (dif)
3-16 kiyoto (dif)
3-17 gota (dif)
3-18 sakai (dif)

4-3 inoue (dif)
4-4 iwata (dif)
4-12 kiyohara (dif, ab)
4-16 shigemoto (dif, ab)

I have to pre-register all student that werte absent on the bbs.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

problems from 4/21

Somebody put 331, also was in Zenkaku, email= = I erased

Below students have different passwords on Quizlab because they were too long or were absent.
Check to see if were absent must register with BBS
1-24 akatsuki
1-33 hisada
1-36 winnie
1-37 sasaki
2-22 sasaki
2-26 straignten
2-34 matsushita
2-36 miura
2-40 yamashita
3-28 hata
4-33 maekawa
4-35 masumoto
4-21 tomie

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Idea

For 4 40 student 11th grade high school EFL 'writing' classes in Japan meeting once every two weeks, we will use a BBS for fluency writing and then move on to blog creation. The goal is to create an interactive English-using community inside the BBS and then engourage learners to participate in an outside one later, through blogs.